
October 13, 2011

Curl Pattern!

Hi all!
Now that I'm a full year into my transition, it's much easier to see my true curl pattern.
So I took a few strands out of my comb and laid them against a sheet of paper.
Here's my curl pattern nice and clear, it looks like a little bed spring! =)

Most of my spirals are around these sizes:
The really tight ones on the left and the ones that are a bit looser on the right.

And here they are with respect to the diameter of a pencil:

I don't know..I'd still say I'm probably a 3C?
It's exciting to see my natural curls for once and not the weighed-down curls that look like waves
or the curls I create with straws to blend the roots with the ends.
I can't wait to cut it!

Well, that's all for now.
Have a great weekend and thanks for reading!


  1. I would guess you're a 3c, like me! I just started my natural hair journey...I'm 3 months in and really excited to be on this crazy adventure. Glad to have found another transitioner's blog.

  2. i agree i think i'm a 3c as well. but, towards the front and top of my hair it looks more like a 4a..there's much less of a curl pattern there.
    good luck on your journey! check in every now and then! =)
