
August 15, 2011

Feather Extensions For Curly Hair (Part 2)

Hi all!

I promised I'd try curling my feather extensions and share the results. Here's how they turned out:

Here's the same photos in the video for a better view. =)

A sidenote: This hair accessory is not my favorite thing ever, but after searching high and low for pictures and video of feathers for curly hair, I decided I'd give it a shot anyway for any curly-heads out there who might be curious. =)
 That's all for now! =)

CLICK HERE  to see the feathers in their natural, straight form.


  1. I'm Happy you did! My daughter has Curly hair like you and I was wondering how it would look before I spent the money on it. Thanks!

  2. This is awesome! Great video. I have naturally curly hair. I just recently put some feather extensions in and while they look cool I immediately felt they would look better if they are curly! Now I know what to do. Do they stay curly even after washing or no? Just curious.

    1. Thank you! But no, they won't stay curly. The water will make them revert to their original, straight state. Good luck! =)
