Faith, Family, Friends, Food,' Fros, Fun
Hi! I'm Vanessa. =]
I'm a 24-year-old graduate student and educator from Southern California. Besides the all important Five F's in my life (that pretty purple list you see at the top,) I love writing short fiction, working with children, playing volleyball, DIY projects, sushi buffets, and my amazing boyfriend of over five years.
"So what's with this blog?" you ask?
Well...In September 2010, after getting my hair relaxed faithfully for ten years, I decided to go natural and stop getting relaxers. That October, I decided to publicly document my natural hair journey and wrote my very first post on this blog.
I'm still blogging, even now that I'm well-acquainted with my hair. I hope this blog finds its way to girls who are starting, or in the middle of their own natural hair journeys, and helps them through it in some way! You can do it! =]
>> I'm on YouTube. <<
Last updated: 11/17/13